Friday, June 11, 2010

School's Out!

I am so VERY happy that school is finally out! =) It seems so weird that summer is here and it's a Friday and I'm not in school! Can't wait for all the fun things this summer. So.... how about you post about what you are excited for this summer. I'd love to hear.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A great friend

Sasha- Our Girl- April 2004-May 2010
"Yesterday I lost a friend at heart, someone who was always there by our side"
We will always remember her.
As I lived more and more I finally got to know her as a friend, a companion.
Looking back I see a dog with lots of character who lived a great life and now I know that she is up in a good place, looking down at us and watching over us every day.
Sasha and Family and Friends are in my prayer every day.
So, looking back, let's remember the good times.

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